Friday, June 27, 2008

Obama and Clinton putting their heads together

In CNN article Obama donates to Clinton it discuses on Thursday senator Barack Obama and his wife donate the maximum amount of money an individual can donate to Hilary Clinton who is millions of dollars in debt. Also Penny Pritzker donated another 2,300. In addition Obama asked contributors to help donate to Clintons campaign debt of 22 million dollars. On Friday they are putting their heads together and rallying in New Hampshire (the state where they tied). After months of brutal debates Clinton and Obama are finally working together to defeat the republican party. The idea of defeating the republican party is now more apparent because Obama and Clinton appealed to different types of voters. Clinton appealed to working class and elderly and Obama appealed to African Americans and the younger crowd. Clinton urges her voters to vote for Barack and said it would be a big mistake for her supporters to vote for McCain. The ideas Clinton has spoke about is very different from the republican party and the ideas of McCain. At one point in the race the two seemed to almost hate each other giving low blows and very harsh debates. Now they are both working together to make sure that their common goals and ideas are met and the republican party doesn't win. This seems to be a great idea for the democratic party and with their different opinions and views they can both appeal to mostly everyone. They both seem to care a lot about a democrat taking presidency even the defeated Hilary Clinton and when they put their heads together they seem to be unstoppable.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Brennan’s blog discusses the recent apparent “unity” between Obama and Clinton. I totally disagree with Brennan’s take on the recent developments between the two bitter Democratic rivals – like all politics, they still probably hate each other, but have tried to swallow their pride (especially Clinton) to keep their party together in an attempt to defeat McCain.

Clinton and Obama were not radically different in their ideas when they campaigned against each other. However, Obama was much more likable and had much less baggage than Clinton, a fact that probably put him over the top when it came to voters.

It would certainly be politically advantageous for the two to bury the hatchet, but let’s call it what it is. It’s not a new “love fest” between Clinton and Obama, to be sure. More than anything, these two candidates want a Democrat back in the White House. I think they will shake any number of hands and make any number of public appearances to heal the split in their party and make this happen, just like any good politician.

And who is Penny Pritzker?

Caitlin Inman