Monday, June 9, 2008

Climate Bill

A recent article released by the Associated Press called "Dead end likely for controversial climate bill" announced the probable dismissal of a recently proposed bill that would for require that power plants and refineries to lower their greenhouse and carbon-dioxide emmisions by roughly 19 percent in 2020 and 71 percent by mid-century. Yet the senate can't seem to come to an agreement on the bill. There has been much discussion and arguement over the bill since it was first introduced a few days ago. But there is a wage between the republican and democratic parties involving amendments that both would like to be added to the bill. This of course being the way that our government is meant to work. But as of now there is no time for the amendments to even be talked about since the bill is set to be voted on by friday. The bill has the potential to be passed if the two sides were allowed to propose and introduce their ideas to the bill. This bill was introduced to help the environment and lower the global warming risks, but if this were a real issue to those running the decision you would think that they would take more time in their debate in order to get this bill actually passed. Because we all know that global warming and green house gasses are a very real and serious issue.

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