Saturday, June 14, 2008


Lambeth Hochwald wrote and article titled Health. In this article she talks about a very interesting study that taking a walk every day is extremely beneficial to ones health. Just a brisk walk every day can help someone from sleeping to stopping the risk of breast cancer. A recent study at Duke university shows that walking for just 30 min a day lowers your chances of developing metabolic syndrome which is linked to heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Twenty four million women in the united states alone have metabolic syndrome. Studies show that walking or cycling for just 3o minutes reduce the risk of heart problems by eleven percent especially in women. Experts say that walking may produce feel good serotonin in your brain, and that after a walk your body needs to cool down and this will help you sleep. Walking was also found bout the university of Texas to release endorphins that relieve stress depression and anxiety. Walking helps keep your mind active. A study of older people walking just 45 minutes a week was shown to develop sharpness in the brain and prevent Alzheimer's. The most obvious reasons to walk are to burn calories which help you lose weight or not gain the fatty muscle. walking is 90 percent all muscles and this helps to protect your bones and your body. So i think its safe to say a little 30 minute stroll would never hurt anyone.

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