Monday, June 23, 2008

Gas Prices?.?.?

Yes I personally agree one hundred percent that gas prices are out of this world insane. At the same time I do not believe that we should take extreme action on manufacturing more cars that have a different energy source other than gas. Everyone in this country is suffering in their pockets with money not just because of the gas prices. Every consumer product price has risen over the past couple years during this time of war not just gas prices. If anything we should just work on lowering gas prices and fixing the product prices we have now not spending billions of dollars on manufacturing a new car that takes other energy than gas. I believe this idea of using something other than gas is a good idea and will be use full in the upcoming years but in this time I do not believe we should try manufacturing this idea right this second. Not just some people are suffering in this country of not being able to go to summer camps or dads working after hours almost everyone is. I believe the citizens of America should take a few steps back and figure out what we can do to make money more convenient. Example--- if we produced a train station that dropped people to their destinations or within a few blocks of their destination this would be more effective and less expensive than producing cars that not everyone can afford. Yes some people aren't allowed to use their parents gas cards any more and this is tragic...... but most people were never offered this luxury and cant even afford a car right now or the every day necessities to live. I think their are much more important problems than just gas prices that we need to fix. I think we need to settle this war one way or another. Preferably coming to a peace treaty or settling for less than a lot of oil.... You are talking about you specifically and making generalizations. If I were to do this I could say something like I have a huge truck that I bought years ago when gas prices were low and now it hasn't moved out of its parking spot in a couple weeks because I have used my long board or walked/biked to my destination instead of wasting a whole paycheck on gas. I can understand how A.C. and a radio makes the world of difference... but I think we should all compromise a little bit and see how far we get other than just thinking about number one...Everyone is suffering right now in their pockets and everyone should have to lose a little to gain a lot.....

1 comment:

Emilee said...

To start off I strongly agree with Brennan Wilson's thoughts on environmental conservation. She always points out that you should walk, bike, skate, etc to save the environment, and I think that is wonderful. Instead of being concerned about $3.00 gallon of gas, we should be concerned about our children's and grandchildren's future.
On the other hand, the criticism, is that I feel Brennan should focus more on government not economics since we are taking government. Your last editorial was not about national government at all. But you could easily tie government back into your article. You could research and find out what Bush's thoughts about gas prices are or what he plans to do. Keep up the good work!