Wednesday, June 4, 2008


In Steven Kreytak's article in the Austin Statesman article "More illegal immigrants are being charged criminally in Austin" Steven starts off his article giving the story of Edgar Rodriguez-Sarmiento. in this article Kreytak's explains Edgar's story on coming to the United States Illegally and getting sent back to Mexico with a felony in the states.

Steven talks about Edgar's 2000 dollar smuggling fee into the United States and his public intoxication ticket that led to his new felony conviction of re entering the U.S. after deportation. In recent years in Austin three to five people a month were charged with returning to the United States after deportation. Now around 20 people a month are being charged of a felony crime of returning to the states. The immigrants can be charged with two to twenty years in prison depending on their previous convictons. their has been a 400 percent increase in people being charged of this crime within the last year. at the end of the article Steven Kreytak gives another example of Jaime Segura-Moreno who was charged with 17 months in prison for unlawfully transporting illegal immigrants. Jaime served his sentence and was found back in the prison system again in 2006 and this time sentenced to 5 years in prison for illegal re entry and 6 extra months for violating his probation time. over the years the illegal immigrants found in Austin have increased extremely. It seems that Austin is starting to crack down more on these cases and are starting to be more harsh on prison time. maybe this will slow down the numbers of immigrants found in Austin.

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