Wednesday, June 18, 2008

American Rights

In the article Mr. Bush v. the Bill of Rights talks about how president Bush is trying to pry into the American public. In this article they discuss about a so called compromise with congress on a domestic spying bill. Also the White House and Republicans only having two real aims. The first is undermining the power of the courts and the second is giving companies a break who helped Mr. Bush with warrant less wiretapping operation. This idea of prying into the American public is unconstitutional and against the 14Th amendment of illegal search and seizer. This idea alone will give any reason for probable cause. Mr. Bush wants immunity from getting in trouble for the telecommunication company's that helped him spy after supposedly Sept. 11. This being one of his excuses. This whole idea goes greatly against Judaical review and is said to be in effect for six years. The article ends with them speaking of the similarity's of Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain and how Barack Obama voted against the immunity and wiretapping policy.
This article is very accurate.I also believe that this idea is ludicrous and insane. It is strictly against the Constitution the founding ideas of the government and just because a President who i might ad hasn't done the best job can just come along and change or break the rules of the Constitution and the 14th amendment. No man should be that powerful over the whole United States race. This idea would just instill more skepticism of the government and possibly stop some drug trafficking or big investigations but i think for the most part the program would be used to spy against the American people who should have their privacy. Isn't this the land of the free.... and now we have to watch what we say or how we talk with out probable cause. I think its just an issue that can be solved another way other than greatly effecting every American citizen, and who they communicate with. I am greatly in need of a new president and some drastic change and by coincidence that's Barrack Obamas campaign theme.

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