Monday, June 30, 2008

Presidential Campaigning gone too far?!?!?!?!?

I believe it is extremely important to reach out to the kids and younger adults of this country about political ideas. The candidates running for president should concentrate mostly on the kids and young adults because we are going to be running this country one day. It has always been the younger crowd who has been less educated about political ideas and it seems like we don't care. I'm tired of this and you should be as well. If we vote the wrong president in office it wont be our dads who are 50 years old on the front line if we go to war it will be kids our age ( your best friends or boyfriend). I believe almost every kid now days has a face book and checks it regularly and if reaching to the kids is by putting a link on facebook about the person who is going to be running our whole country then so be it. maybe one of those links will teach someone to be more informed about a political idea and maybe someone will change their ideas based on that little link on the facebook sign in screen. To me is seems like kids our age usually don't care to read or really listen to politics and we should change this idea and pay more attention to whats about to happen to our country rather than what our friend is doing across town. It shouldn't be bugging you that political issues are being posted on facebook when you have links to porno and club sights on the same page. That should bother you more than anything that the ideas aren't being addressed to the youth properly and temptation is constantly in front of ones face as soon as they get on the Internet to a world of things I'm sure mommy and daddy would like you looking at or researching. I am actually very happy that facebook is starting to post political ideas and problems in our country maybe now we can all stumble apon a website that matters. especially if its for our country. The whole idea behind facebook is to reach the college crowd and here especially is where we should start making our own ideas and researching those we don't understand.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Obama and Clinton putting their heads together

In CNN article Obama donates to Clinton it discuses on Thursday senator Barack Obama and his wife donate the maximum amount of money an individual can donate to Hilary Clinton who is millions of dollars in debt. Also Penny Pritzker donated another 2,300. In addition Obama asked contributors to help donate to Clintons campaign debt of 22 million dollars. On Friday they are putting their heads together and rallying in New Hampshire (the state where they tied). After months of brutal debates Clinton and Obama are finally working together to defeat the republican party. The idea of defeating the republican party is now more apparent because Obama and Clinton appealed to different types of voters. Clinton appealed to working class and elderly and Obama appealed to African Americans and the younger crowd. Clinton urges her voters to vote for Barack and said it would be a big mistake for her supporters to vote for McCain. The ideas Clinton has spoke about is very different from the republican party and the ideas of McCain. At one point in the race the two seemed to almost hate each other giving low blows and very harsh debates. Now they are both working together to make sure that their common goals and ideas are met and the republican party doesn't win. This seems to be a great idea for the democratic party and with their different opinions and views they can both appeal to mostly everyone. They both seem to care a lot about a democrat taking presidency even the defeated Hilary Clinton and when they put their heads together they seem to be unstoppable.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Gas Prices?.?.?

Yes I personally agree one hundred percent that gas prices are out of this world insane. At the same time I do not believe that we should take extreme action on manufacturing more cars that have a different energy source other than gas. Everyone in this country is suffering in their pockets with money not just because of the gas prices. Every consumer product price has risen over the past couple years during this time of war not just gas prices. If anything we should just work on lowering gas prices and fixing the product prices we have now not spending billions of dollars on manufacturing a new car that takes other energy than gas. I believe this idea of using something other than gas is a good idea and will be use full in the upcoming years but in this time I do not believe we should try manufacturing this idea right this second. Not just some people are suffering in this country of not being able to go to summer camps or dads working after hours almost everyone is. I believe the citizens of America should take a few steps back and figure out what we can do to make money more convenient. Example--- if we produced a train station that dropped people to their destinations or within a few blocks of their destination this would be more effective and less expensive than producing cars that not everyone can afford. Yes some people aren't allowed to use their parents gas cards any more and this is tragic...... but most people were never offered this luxury and cant even afford a car right now or the every day necessities to live. I think their are much more important problems than just gas prices that we need to fix. I think we need to settle this war one way or another. Preferably coming to a peace treaty or settling for less than a lot of oil.... You are talking about you specifically and making generalizations. If I were to do this I could say something like I have a huge truck that I bought years ago when gas prices were low and now it hasn't moved out of its parking spot in a couple weeks because I have used my long board or walked/biked to my destination instead of wasting a whole paycheck on gas. I can understand how A.C. and a radio makes the world of difference... but I think we should all compromise a little bit and see how far we get other than just thinking about number one...Everyone is suffering right now in their pockets and everyone should have to lose a little to gain a lot.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

American Rights

In the article Mr. Bush v. the Bill of Rights talks about how president Bush is trying to pry into the American public. In this article they discuss about a so called compromise with congress on a domestic spying bill. Also the White House and Republicans only having two real aims. The first is undermining the power of the courts and the second is giving companies a break who helped Mr. Bush with warrant less wiretapping operation. This idea of prying into the American public is unconstitutional and against the 14Th amendment of illegal search and seizer. This idea alone will give any reason for probable cause. Mr. Bush wants immunity from getting in trouble for the telecommunication company's that helped him spy after supposedly Sept. 11. This being one of his excuses. This whole idea goes greatly against Judaical review and is said to be in effect for six years. The article ends with them speaking of the similarity's of Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain and how Barack Obama voted against the immunity and wiretapping policy.
This article is very accurate.I also believe that this idea is ludicrous and insane. It is strictly against the Constitution the founding ideas of the government and just because a President who i might ad hasn't done the best job can just come along and change or break the rules of the Constitution and the 14th amendment. No man should be that powerful over the whole United States race. This idea would just instill more skepticism of the government and possibly stop some drug trafficking or big investigations but i think for the most part the program would be used to spy against the American people who should have their privacy. Isn't this the land of the free.... and now we have to watch what we say or how we talk with out probable cause. I think its just an issue that can be solved another way other than greatly effecting every American citizen, and who they communicate with. I am greatly in need of a new president and some drastic change and by coincidence that's Barrack Obamas campaign theme.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Lambeth Hochwald wrote and article titled Health. In this article she talks about a very interesting study that taking a walk every day is extremely beneficial to ones health. Just a brisk walk every day can help someone from sleeping to stopping the risk of breast cancer. A recent study at Duke university shows that walking for just 30 min a day lowers your chances of developing metabolic syndrome which is linked to heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Twenty four million women in the united states alone have metabolic syndrome. Studies show that walking or cycling for just 3o minutes reduce the risk of heart problems by eleven percent especially in women. Experts say that walking may produce feel good serotonin in your brain, and that after a walk your body needs to cool down and this will help you sleep. Walking was also found bout the university of Texas to release endorphins that relieve stress depression and anxiety. Walking helps keep your mind active. A study of older people walking just 45 minutes a week was shown to develop sharpness in the brain and prevent Alzheimer's. The most obvious reasons to walk are to burn calories which help you lose weight or not gain the fatty muscle. walking is 90 percent all muscles and this helps to protect your bones and your body. So i think its safe to say a little 30 minute stroll would never hurt anyone.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Climate Bill

A recent article released by the Associated Press called "Dead end likely for controversial climate bill" announced the probable dismissal of a recently proposed bill that would for require that power plants and refineries to lower their greenhouse and carbon-dioxide emmisions by roughly 19 percent in 2020 and 71 percent by mid-century. Yet the senate can't seem to come to an agreement on the bill. There has been much discussion and arguement over the bill since it was first introduced a few days ago. But there is a wage between the republican and democratic parties involving amendments that both would like to be added to the bill. This of course being the way that our government is meant to work. But as of now there is no time for the amendments to even be talked about since the bill is set to be voted on by friday. The bill has the potential to be passed if the two sides were allowed to propose and introduce their ideas to the bill. This bill was introduced to help the environment and lower the global warming risks, but if this were a real issue to those running the decision you would think that they would take more time in their debate in order to get this bill actually passed. Because we all know that global warming and green house gasses are a very real and serious issue.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


In Steven Kreytak's article in the Austin Statesman article "More illegal immigrants are being charged criminally in Austin" Steven starts off his article giving the story of Edgar Rodriguez-Sarmiento. in this article Kreytak's explains Edgar's story on coming to the United States Illegally and getting sent back to Mexico with a felony in the states.

Steven talks about Edgar's 2000 dollar smuggling fee into the United States and his public intoxication ticket that led to his new felony conviction of re entering the U.S. after deportation. In recent years in Austin three to five people a month were charged with returning to the United States after deportation. Now around 20 people a month are being charged of a felony crime of returning to the states. The immigrants can be charged with two to twenty years in prison depending on their previous convictons. their has been a 400 percent increase in people being charged of this crime within the last year. at the end of the article Steven Kreytak gives another example of Jaime Segura-Moreno who was charged with 17 months in prison for unlawfully transporting illegal immigrants. Jaime served his sentence and was found back in the prison system again in 2006 and this time sentenced to 5 years in prison for illegal re entry and 6 extra months for violating his probation time. over the years the illegal immigrants found in Austin have increased extremely. It seems that Austin is starting to crack down more on these cases and are starting to be more harsh on prison time. maybe this will slow down the numbers of immigrants found in Austin.